Stafford Christadelphians

What Christadelphians believe

Who are the Christadelphians?

An introduction to the Christadelphians, including a brief look at our history, aims and the structure of our “churches”.

Jesus Christ - Son of God not God the Son

A brief look at the nature of Christ. We think about the fact that Christ was both son of God, and son of man through his mother Mary. We explore how Christ had to be like us (humans), in every way, and how that likeness makes it impossible that he was God.

Human Nature vs The Devil

This video explores the Christadelphian belief that temptation and sin come from within the heart of human beings not from a supernatural devil. Including the Bibles assertion that the human heart is evil and in need of saving.

Resurrection NOT an Immortal Soul

A look at Christadelphian beliefs on the nature of death as seen in the Bible. We look at how resurrection, and not the hope of an immortal soul going to heaven, is the great hope of the Bible from beginning to end.

Israel - Still God's People

This video explores the Bible's undeniable message that Israel were chosen by God as part of his promises to Abraham and that Israel's status as God's people, his witnesses to the world, continues even today.

The Kingdom of God on Earth

A look at the coming kingdom of God, spoken of throughout the Bible, focusing on what the kingdom of God will be like, who the ruler will be and what life will be like at that time.

Adult Baptism or Infant Christening?

A video looking at the beliefs of Christadelphians concerning baptism, studying the who and how of our baptismal beliefs.