We may have many hopes in our life: maybe we hope for good exam results, a happy home, a successful career; but as life progresses our priorities change, and sometimes other circumstances are forced upon us destroying all these hopes. We may have fears of catching Covid19, developing cancer, or our employer going into liquidation.
Similarly to our personal hopes, there are national hopes and fears. Hopes that our nation successfully trades with other nations, or crime free cities, or not at war with other nations, or controlling Coronavirus. But success seems continually beyond our grasp.
The Apostle Paul was a prisoner in a horrid Roman jail and he said:
for the Hope of Israel I am bound with this chain
Acts 28:20
Paul's hope was in the establishment of God's Kingdom on this earth, with Jesus as its king.
As the world's problems of poverty and homelessness, war and armament stock piling, civil unrest and injustice persistently mount up, there is ONLY one Hope, that is divine rule in the world Governments.
Isaiah prophesied a time of no war and no learning about war:
they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more
Isaiah 2:4
Also, the psalmist prophesied:
There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains
Psalm 72:16
So there is REAL certainty in these uncertain times.